Package org.weborganic.bastille.flint

A collection of Berlioz generators using Flint.


Class Summary
CheckTemplates Checks that the templates are valid.
ClearIndex Clears the content of the index.
CreateIndex Creates the directory for an index in the index folder specified by the Flint config.
FulltextSearch Perform a search on the index, using the following details:
GenerateIndex List the files corresponding to the specified directory.
GetFacets Returns the facets from a query.
GetFlintConfig Return the flint configuration attributes and the list of indexes in the system.
GetIndexStats Print some information about the index.
GetIndexSummary Returns a summary of the index.
GetIndexTerms List the terms from the index.
GetResultSuggestions Returns the search results suggestions from a list of terms.
LookupFuzzyTerms Lookup the fuzzy terms for the specified term.
LookupPrefixTerms Lookup the fuzzy term for the specified term.
LookupSimilarTerms Lookup the similar terms for the specified term.
PredicateSearch Performs a search using a Lucene predicate.
TermSearch Performs a search on the index using a specific term query.

Package org.weborganic.bastille.flint Description

A collection of Berlioz generators using Flint.