Uses of Class

Packages that use PSMLFile
org.weborganic.bastille.psml Contains classes and generators for manipulating PSML. 

Uses of PSMLFile in org.weborganic.bastille.psml

Methods in org.weborganic.bastille.psml that return PSMLFile
static PSMLFile PSMLConfig.getConfigFile(String pathInfo)
          Returns the config file from the path.
static PSMLFile PSMLConfig.getContentFile(String pathInfo)
          Returns the content file from the path.
static PSMLFile PSMLConfig.getContentFolder(String pathInfo)
          Returns the content folder from the path.
static PSMLFile PSMLConfig.getFile(String pathInfo)
          Returns the config file from the path.
static PSMLFile PSMLConfig.getFolder(String pathInfo)
          Returns the config file from the path.

Methods in org.weborganic.bastille.psml with parameters of type PSMLFile
static String PSMLCache.getContent(PSMLFile psml)
          Return the cached content of the specified PSML file.
static String PSMLLinkProcessor.getEtag(PSMLFile psml)
          Returns the etag for the PSML file based on the last modified date of the file and all transcluded documents.
static String PSMLOverviews.getOverview(PSMLFile folder)
          Generate the overview documents for the files for the specified folder.
static String PSMLConfig.load(PSMLFile psml)
          Loads the specified XML file and returns it as a string.
static String PSMLLinkProcessor.process(PSMLFile psml)
          Generate the overview documents for the files for the specified folder.