Serialized Form

Package org.weborganic.bastille.cache.util

Class org.weborganic.bastille.cache.util.CachedResponseWrapper extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -5976708169031065497L

Serialized Fields


int _status
HTTP status code, OK (200) by default.


int _contentLength
The length of the content in bytes


String _contentType
The content type (MIME)


Map<K,V> _headers
List of response headers.


List<E> _cookies


CachedResponseWrapper.FilterOutputStream _out
A servlet output stream backed by a byte array.


PrintWriter _writer
Only used if the writer is requested.

Class org.weborganic.bastille.cache.util.GenericResource extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 2909918731971135622L

Serialized Fields


List<E> _headers
List of response HTTP headers to include in response.


boolean _storeGzipped
Indicates whether we store the compressed version of the content.


byte[] _content
The content of the page.


String _contentType
The content type (MIME) of the content.


int _status
The status code of the response.

Class org.weborganic.bastille.cache.util.HttpHeader extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -4637482646600102192L

Serialized Fields


String _name
The name of the header.


Serializable _value
The value.


HttpHeader.Type _type
The type of value for this header.

Class org.weborganic.bastille.cache.util.SoftCacheableString extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 3832762143004346490L

Serialized Fields


byte[] _data
Compressed version of the data.

Class org.weborganic.bastille.cache.util.StaticResource extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -7228525252854825521L

Serialized Fields


boolean _gzippable
Indicates whether we store the compressed version of the content.


byte[] _content
The content of the page.


String _contentType
The content type (MIME) of the content.


int _status
The status code of the response.


long _lastModified
The last modified date.


String _cacheControl
The Cache control header.


long _expires
When the resource expires

Package org.weborganic.bastille.log

Class org.weborganic.bastille.log.UnexpectedFrameworkException extends RuntimeException implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 4746009795250556257L

Package org.weborganic.bastille.log.logback

Class org.weborganic.bastille.log.logback.RecentEvent extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 8445287374800936982L

Serialized Fields


long _timestamp
Timestamp created when this object is instantiated


Marker _marker
Marker as passed by the filter


ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger _logger
Logger as passed by the filter


ch.qos.logback.classic.Level _level
Level as passed by the filter


String _message
Message as passed by the filter


Object[] _args
Arguments as passed by the filter


Throwable _throwable
Throwable as passed by the filter

Package org.weborganic.bastille.pageseeder

Class org.weborganic.bastille.pageseeder.PSSession extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 3885256183191790582L

Serialized Fields


String _jsessionid
The Member's jsession id.


long timestamp
Indicates when the user was last successfully connected to PageSeeder.

This time stamp is used to determine whether the session is still likely to be valid.

Class org.weborganic.bastille.pageseeder.PSUser extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 146742323984333167L

Serialized Fields


Long _id
The PagerSeeder Member ID.


String _email
The Member's email.


String _firstname
The Member's first name.


String _surname
The Member's surname.


String _username
The Member's username.


PSSession _session
The Member's PageSeeder session.


String[] _memberOf
The groups the user is a member of.

Package org.weborganic.bastille.psml

Class org.weborganic.bastille.psml.PSMLFile extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -5680591958703581444L

Serialized Fields


String _path
The path to the file from the PSML root folder.


File _file
The actual file.

Package org.weborganic.bastille.recaptcha

Class org.weborganic.bastille.recaptcha.ReCaptchaException extends Exception implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -9142801370192994186L


Class extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -5279152811865484362L

Serialized Fields


String loginPage
The URI of the login page.


String defaultTarget
The URI of the default target page.

Class extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -3343755604269705856L

Serialized Fields


String _contentType
If the content type is specified.


byte[] _data
The corresponding data.

Class extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -3343755604269705856L

Serialized Fields


String _contentType
If the content type is specified.


byte[] _data
The corresponding data.

Class extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 129183325321391637L

Serialized Fields


String _url
The protected URL


Class extends PSUser implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 4229779545161938662L

Package org.weborganic.bastille.util

Class org.weborganic.bastille.util.JSMin.UnterminatedCommentException extends ParsingException implements Serializable

Class org.weborganic.bastille.util.JSMin.UnterminatedRegExpLiteralException extends ParsingException implements Serializable

Class org.weborganic.bastille.util.JSMin.UnterminatedStringLiteralException extends ParsingException implements Serializable

Class org.weborganic.bastille.util.ParsingException extends Exception implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: -8753921226709324155L

Serialized Fields


int _line
The line number.


int _column
The column number.

Package org.weborganic.bastille.web

Class org.weborganic.bastille.web.BundleConfig extends Object implements Serializable

serialVersionUID: 5709906856099064344L

Serialized Fields


List<E> _definitions
The list of definitions in this configuration.


Map<K,V> _instances
The list of bundle instances mapped to service IDs.


BundleConfig.Type _type
The type of bundle config.


boolean _minimize
Whether the code should be minimized as part of bundling.


String _location
Whether the code should be minimized as part of bundling.


File _root
The root of the web application.


WebBundleTool _bundler
The tool used for bundling JS.