saveAs(File) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronReport
Saves this report as XML in the format:
Schematron - Class in org.weborganic.schematron
Schematron() - Constructor for class org.weborganic.schematron.Schematron
SchematronException - Exception in org.weborganic.schematron
Classes of exceptions occurring while preparing or performing Schematron validation.
SchematronException() - Constructor for exception org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronException
Creates a new Schematron exception.
SchematronException(String) - Constructor for exception org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronException
Creates a new Schematron exception.
SchematronException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronException
Creates a new Schematron exception.
SchematronException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronException
Creates a new Schematron exception.
SchematronOptions - Class in org.weborganic.schematron
SchematronOptions() - Constructor for class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronOptions
SchematronReport - Class in org.weborganic.schematron
A report aggregating a collection of Schematron validation results.
SchematronReport() - Constructor for class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronReport
Constructor of Schematron Report
SchematronResult - Class in org.weborganic.schematron
Stores the results of the schematron validation.
SchematronResult(String) - Constructor for class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronResult
Constructor of SchematronResult that accept the source file name (or systemID)
setAllow_foreign(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronOptions
setarchiveDirParameter(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.Schematron
Deprecated. Pass the directory name of the current processed file as a xsl parameter to the transformation.
setArchiveNameParameter(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.Schematron
Deprecated. Pass the filename of the current processed file as a xsl parameter to the transformation.
setAttributes(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronOptions
setCatalog(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.Schematron
Deprecated. Specifies a semicolon separated list of catalog files
setDebugMode(boolean) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.Schematron
Deprecated. Specify whether preprocessor stylesheet are to be print into file for debugging.
setDebugMode(boolean) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.ValidatorFactory
If debug mode is set to true, then preprocessing stylesheet will be outputted in file debug.xslt This has to be called before newValidator() to take effect.
setDiagnose(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronOptions
setErrorListener(ErrorListener) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.ValidatorFactory
Set the error event listener for the ValidatorFactory, which is used for the processing of the Schematron schema, not for the Schematron validation itself.
setFailOnError(boolean) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.Schematron
Deprecated. Specify how parser error are to be handled.
setFile(File) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.Schematron
Deprecated. Specify the file to be checked; optional.
setFileDirParameter(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.Schematron
Deprecated. Pass the directory name of the current processed file as a xsl parameter to the transformation.
setFileNameParameter(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.Schematron
Deprecated. Pass the filename of the current processed file as a xsl parameter to the transformation.
setGenerate_paths(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronOptions
setLangCode(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronOptions
setMessage_newline(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronOptions
setOnly_child_elements(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronOptions
setOutputDir(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.Schematron
Deprecated. Specify the path to the directory where the output file should be stored.
setOutputEncoding(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.Schematron
Deprecated. Set the encoding to be used.
setOutputFilename(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.Schematron
Deprecated. Specify the name of the file where the results will be stored.
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.ValidatorFactory
Add a parameter to be sent to the preprocessor.
setPhase(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronOptions
Specifies the phase Schematron should use.
setQueryLanguageBinding(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.Schematron
Deprecated. Specify which binding to use "xslt1", "xslt2"
setResolver(URIResolver) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.Validator
setResolver(Class<URIResolver>) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.ValidatorFactory
Set the class name of the resolver to use, overriding built-in Apache resolver
setSch_exlst_imports(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronOptions
setSchema(File) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.Schematron
Deprecated. Specify the file to be checked; optional.
setSchema_id(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronOptions
setSelect_contents(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronOptions
setSVRL(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronResult
Setter for SVRL content/file, also parse the SVRL content to extract the failed assertion and the successful report.
setTerminate(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronOptions
setVisit_text(String) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SchematronOptions
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.weborganic.schematron.SVRLHandler
SVRLHandler - Class in org.weborganic.schematron
A simple handler which parses the SRVL result and stores TEXT_ELT is not just under FAILED_ASSERT_ELT and SUCCESSFUL_REPORT_ELT.
SVRLHandler() - Constructor for class org.weborganic.schematron.SVRLHandler
Constructor for SVRLHandler.
SVRLHandler(List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.weborganic.schematron.SVRLHandler
Constructor for SVRLHandler that require reference of failedAssertions and successfulReports.