Uses of Class

Packages that use DiffXException
com.topologi.diffx The core set of classes used by Diff-X. 
com.topologi.diffx.algorithm Main algorithm implementations. 
com.topologi.diffx.load The set of classes used to produce the sequences that Diff-X will process. 

Uses of DiffXException in com.topologi.diffx

Methods in com.topologi.diffx that throw DiffXException
static void Main.diff(InputStream xml1, InputStream xml2, OutputStream out)
          Compares the two specified xml files and prints the diff onto the given writer.
static void Main.diff(NodeList xml1, NodeList xml2, Writer out, DiffXConfig config)
          Compares the two specified NodeLists and prints the diff onto the given writer.
static Node Extension.diff(Node xml1, Node xml2, String whitespace, String granularity)
          Compares the two specified Nodes and returns the diff as a node.
static void Main.diff(Node xml1, Node xml2, Writer out, DiffXConfig config)
          Compares the two specified XML nodes and prints the diff onto the given writer.
static void Main.diff(Reader xml1, Reader xml2, Writer out)
          Compares the two specified xml files and prints the diff onto the given writer.
static void Main.diff(Reader xml1, Reader xml2, Writer out, DiffXConfig config)
          Compares the two specified xml files and prints the diff onto the given writer.
static boolean Main.equivalent(File xml1, File xml2)
          Returns true if the two specified files are XML equivalent by looking at the sequence SAX events reported an XML reader.
static boolean Main.equivalent(InputStream xml1, InputStream xml2)
          Returns true if the two specified input streams are equivalent by looking at the sequence SAX events reported an XML reader.
static boolean Main.equivalent(Reader xml1, Reader xml2)
          Returns true if the two specified readers are equivalent by looking at the sequence SAX events reported an XML reader.

Uses of DiffXException in com.topologi.diffx.algorithm

Subclasses of DiffXException in com.topologi.diffx.algorithm
 class FactoryException
          Class of exceptions thrown when a factory method failed to produce the desired object.

Uses of DiffXException in com.topologi.diffx.load

Subclasses of DiffXException in com.topologi.diffx.load
 class LoadingException
          Class of exceptions occurring when trying to load data for Diff-X.