Package com.topologi.diffx.event.impl

The events implementations used by the Diff-X.


Class Summary
AttributeEventImpl A basic implementation of the attribute event.
AttributeEventNSImpl A namespace aware implementation of the attribute event.
CharactersEvent An event corresponds to the "characters" SAX event.
CharactersEventBase A base class for all the characters events "characters" SAX event.
CharEvent Event corresponding to a single character.
CloseElementEventImpl A basic implementation of the close element event.
CloseElementEventNSImpl The event corresponding to the startElement SAX event.
CommentEvent A comment event.
EventFactory Factory for events.
IgnorableSpaceEvent A particular type of event reserved for ignored white spaces.
LineEvent An interface for any data that comes from a text node.
OpenElementEventImpl A basic implementation of the close element event.
OpenElementEventNSImpl The event corresponding to the startElement SAX event.
ProcessingInstructionEvent A processing instruction event.
SpaceEvent A particular type of event reserved for white spaces.
WordEvent A text event representing a word.
XMLBranchEvent A branch of XML data.

Package com.topologi.diffx.event.impl Description

The events implementations used by the Diff-X.