Package com.topologi.diffx.xml.esc

A set classes and interfaces for escaping XML text.


Interface Summary
XMLEscape An interface to escape XML character data.
XMLEscapeWriter An interface to escape XML character data onto a writer.

Class Summary
XMLEscapeASCII A singleton for escaping XML data when using the 'ASCII' encoding.
XMLEscapeFactory Factory for XML escape classes.
XMLEscapeUTF8 A utility class for escaping XML data when using the UTF-8 encoding.
XMLEscapeWriterASCII A utility class for escaping XML data when the intended encoding is ASCII or ASCII compatible.
XMLEscapeWriterUTF8 A utility class for escaping XML data using the UTF-8 encoding.

Package com.topologi.diffx.xml.esc Description

A set classes and interfaces for escaping XML text.