Uses of Interface

Packages that use XMLWriter
com.topologi.diffx.event.impl The events implementations used by the Diff-X. 
com.topologi.diffx.xml A set classes and interfaces for XML processing. 
com.topologi.diffx.xml.dom DOM Extension to the XML tools. 
com.topologi.diffx.xml.sax SAX Extension to the XML tools. 

Uses of XMLWriter in com.topologi.diffx.event.impl

Methods in com.topologi.diffx.event.impl with parameters of type XMLWriter
 void XMLBranchEvent.toXML(XMLWriter xml)
          Write the DiffX events in order.
 void ProcessingInstructionEvent.toXML(XMLWriter xml)
 void OpenElementEventNSImpl.toXML(XMLWriter xml)
 void OpenElementEventImpl.toXML(XMLWriter xml)
 void LineEvent.toXML(XMLWriter xml)
 void IgnorableSpaceEvent.toXML(XMLWriter xml)
 void CommentEvent.toXML(XMLWriter xml)
 void CloseElementEventNSImpl.toXML(XMLWriter xml)
 void CloseElementEventImpl.toXML(XMLWriter xml)
 void CharEvent.toXML(XMLWriter xml)
 void CharactersEventBase.toXML(XMLWriter xml)
          Writes the XML representation of the implementing instance using the specified XMLWriter.
 void AttributeEventNSImpl.toXML(XMLWriter xml)
          Writes the XML representation of the implementing instance using the specified XMLWriter.
 void AttributeEventImpl.toXML(XMLWriter xml)
          Writes the XML representation of the implementing instance using the specified XMLWriter.

Uses of XMLWriter in com.topologi.diffx.xml

Classes in com.topologi.diffx.xml that implement XMLWriter
 class XMLStringWriter
          An XML which writes on to a string.
 class XMLWriterImpl
          A simple writer for XML data that does not support namespaces.
 class XMLWriterNSImpl
          A Namespace-aware writer for XML data.

Methods in com.topologi.diffx.xml that return XMLWriter
 XMLWriter XMLSerializer.getXML()
          Returns the underlying XML document.

Methods in com.topologi.diffx.xml with parameters of type XMLWriter
 void XMLWritable.toXML(XMLWriter xml)
          Writes the XML representation of the implementing instance using the specified XMLWriter.

Constructors in com.topologi.diffx.xml with parameters of type XMLWriter
XMLSerializer(XMLWriter xml)
          Creates a new XML serializer using the specified XML writer.

Uses of XMLWriter in com.topologi.diffx.xml.dom

Subinterfaces of XMLWriter in com.topologi.diffx.xml.dom
 interface DOMWriter
          An XML writer which output is a DOM tree.

Classes in com.topologi.diffx.xml.dom that implement XMLWriter
 class DOMWriterImpl
          A simple implementation of a DOM writer

Uses of XMLWriter in com.topologi.diffx.xml.sax

Classes in com.topologi.diffx.xml.sax that implement XMLWriter
 class XMLWriterSAX
          An XML writer that generates SAX2 events.